The end of a summer is always bittersweet. On one hand, fall is such a magical and eerie season, complete with all things pumpkin and Halloween. But, for those in colder climates, fall also means that winter is on the way.
Regardless if you’re happy or sad to see summer end, fall gives many reasons to celebrate, and retailers already have their full fall lines up. JoAnn, one of the biggest names in DIY crafts and sewing, is filled with Halloween displays offering many ways to turn your home or apartment into a creepy, crawly paradise. Here are five ways to spice up your Halloween décor.
Halloween Decorations:
The Best of JoAnn Fabrics’ 2021 Halloween Collection
Fall Floral and Wreaths
Halloween décor isn’t just about jack o’ lanterns and ghosts. Don’t forget to decorate with some colorful, autumn-toned floral and wreaths. Change it up this season and add some wine-colored items to your floral and wreaths, as well as deep greens, rusty oranges and rich browns. Check out JoAnn’s fall floral here.
Halloween Pathway Tree Lights
If you’re looking to outdo your neighbors this Halloween season, check out the Halloween Pathway Tree Lights at JoAnn. Consider these Halloween versions of Christmas trees, with a set featuring three leafless “trees” with orange pathway lights that will help lead your visitors right up to your doorway. View these Halloween lights here.
Halloween Fabrics
Even if sewing isn’t your big thing, don’t underestimate the power of adding some colorful fabric to your annual fall wreath or other décor. Adding a festive fabric with tiny pumpkins, spooky skeletons or skinny skeletons can be just the touch you need to make this year’s decorations really pop. Search JoAnn’s Halloween fabrics here.
Halloween Flip-Top Storage Boxes
If you’re someone who has clutter around, let’s fix that. Pick one of a variety of Halloween storage boxes in shades of black, orange and white. JoAnn’s decorative storage boxes have flip-top lids and an be used to hold stationery and books or hide clutter. Check out the Halloween boxes here.
Halloween Towels
How do you turn a bathroom into a haunted Halloween headquarters? Add a festive, spooky towel. JoAnn has a variety of Halloween towels that perfectly fit as a hand towel for the bathroom or even a kitchen towel to clean up some spooky spills. Find the Halloween towels here.