About Anne


Hi, there! I’m Anne Erickson, a Detroit-based radio host, journalist, sports reporter, musician, painter and author with a love for all things music. I’m also a Spartan and Michigan State University graduate with a Master of Arts in Theatre. It’s great to meet you!

You can currently hear me in Detroit on the legendary WRIF. I also host a podcast, which you can subscribe to below!

Connect with me by following my social networks! Check out my band, Upon Wings, too. Thank you! XO ~Anne

Link up!

Twitter: @AnneErickson
Instagram: @EricksonAnne
Facebook: AshlleyAnne
Snapchat: AnneErickson
Linkedin: AnneErickson

My band: UponWings.com
My band merch: Uponwings.Bandcamp.com

My podcast on Apple: The Anne Erickson Show
My podcast on Spotify: The Anne Erickson Show

Listen to my podcast on Apple Podcasts here and Spotify here